
Dear clients,

We kindly ask you to read the Principles of processing of personal data in the company Factoring České spořitelny, a.s., to be acknowledged with the principles governing ensuring the confidentiality and security of personal data.

All the personal data we obtain within our activities are disposed in compliance with respective legislation. In the document we provide you with the information about the principles we follow while processing of personal data in order to ensure their protection and confidentiality.

1. Administrator of personal data

Name of the company: Factoring České spořitelny, a.s.
Registered office: Praha 4, Budějovická 1518/13B, ZIP 140 00
Id. No.: 25629352
Copy of an entry in the Commercial Register: file No. B 5075 maintained at Municipal Court in Prague

2. Data protection officer

Česká spořitelna, a.s., Id. No. 45244782, was appointed a data protection officer in the company Factoring České spořitelny, a.s.
Contact email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact phone number: +420 703 481 616 (working days 9 AM-3 PM)

3. Purposes of the processing of personal data

Within our activities our company processes personal data in the extent necessary to quality providing of our services and to perform duties arising from respective legislation.

Personal data are processed solely in compliance with respective legislation, in particular the Act No. 101/2000 Coll., on the protection of personal data, and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

The processing of personal data in our company is performed for the following purposes:

4. Legitimate interests to process personal data

Our company, in certain situations, processes personal data to secure protection of our rights or rights of members of the Financial Group of Česká spořitelna, a.s., or the Financial Group of Erste Group Bank AG, or other third persons. Within our activities we process personal data regarding our products and our clients for the following purposes:

5. Processed personal data

All personal data processed within our activities are processed in the necessary extent in order to fulfil the particular reason of processing. Personal data we process may be found below:

6. Recipients and processors of personal data

Personal data are processed and maintained within our company. Should the processing of personal data be based on the consent or legitimate interests stated above, our company is entitled to vest the right to process personal data with our external co-workers or suppliers.Cooperating subjects are carefully chosen based on the guarantee of technical and organizational security of accepted personal data. In this meaning, our company is entitled in legitimate interest to provide personal data to the following recipients:

7. Storage periods

Your personal data are stored only for the necessary period and are archived in compliance with periods under the legislation.

Personal data are processed upon the duration of a contractual relation or any other legal title which allows us to process personal data. Our company set internal rules verifying lawfulness of processing as well as not storing the data longer than we are entitled to. After disappearance of legitimate purpose, our company deletes particular personal data.

Personal data processed on basis of your consent are stored upon the duration of the purpose of the consent.

8. Rights of data subjects

Personal data are processed in compliance with legislative requirements. Natural persons whose personal data are processed are entitled to obtain information regarding processing of their personal data and are entitled to below stated rights:

9. Exercising above stated rights of data subject

In order to exercise your rights, you may contact our company in written, person, via phone or e-mail. Your requests concerning exercising rights shall be settled promptly without due delay within 30 days after acceptance of your request. The period shall be extended by 2 more months if necessary. Our company shall notify you about such delay and its reasons.

Our company duly fulfils the obligation to protect personal data.

You are entitled to lodge a complaint concerning processing of personal data with the supervisory authority:
Name: The office for personal data protection
Registered office: Pplk. Sochora 27, Praha 7, ZIP 170 00